Classification of dangerous goods IMO DG
- Mr Mẫn
- 18/04/2019
Group 1: Explosives This group includes:
a) Explosives, except for substances which are too dangerous during transport or substances that are potentially hazardous, are classified as other. (Note: substances which are not explosive themselves but may form an explosive gas, vapor or dust layer are not in group 1)
b) Explosive objects, except those that contain explosives that have such a mass or nature that inadvertence, accidental fire or start of fire will not cause any manifestations outside the tool. like a piece, a flame, a smoke, a heat up or a loud explosion.
c) Explosives and explosive objects not mentioned in items a and b above are produced from the point of view of creating an explosion effect or producing fireworks according to each purpose.
Group 1 is subdivided into 6 subheadings 1.1 to 1.6 based on the degree of danger of explosion.
Subgroup 1.1 is a substance with high explosion hazard and 1.6 is very sensitive to explosion. Explosives are divided into 6 separate categories and 13 corresponding groups.Group 1 divided into 6 subheadings:
1.1. The substance is at risk of explosion.
1.2. The substance is at risk of explosion but does not explode.
1.3. The substance has a risk of fire and a minor risk of explosion, a secondary risk of explosion or both but not a blasting. This section includes particulate materials and substances that meet the following elements: - Increase the thermal difference. - This substance burns after another substance, causing a secondary explosion or effect to shoot the piece around.
1.4 The substance has an unknown risk (only a small risk) due to fire or friction when transporting in the fire or starting fire in transport. These effects are limited to parcels, which can throw particles. External fire does not cause immediate bursts of components inside the package.
1.5 Very unexploded explosives (often at risk of blasting) are often very unlikely to explode or change to explosive forms under normal transport conditions. Their minimum requirement is not to explode in a fire test.
1.6 Almost non-sensitive substances are often at risk of explosion. This section includes particles containing almost non-explosive substances, the ability to cause explosion and propagation is negligible. For safety reasons, explosives are often made almost non-explosive. However, an unexploded explosive requires a primer, usually another explosive. Therefore, in transport, explosives must be isolated with detonation. This can be done by breaking down explosives in corresponding groups. There are 13 small groups, each identified by a letter.
In general, explosives are not allowed to be transported on passenger air vehicles. Exceptions are explosives called safe explosives. They belong to category 1.4 and corresponding group S.
The corresponding groups:
A: Basic explosives.
B: The substance contains basic explosives and does not carry 2 or more protective properties. It includes detonators and explosive analogues, explosive heads, although they do not contain basic explosives.
C: Fuel explosives or other explosive substances, explosive substances.
D: Sub-explosive explosives, brimstone or auxiliary substances; In each case there is no ignition, no propulsion or particles containing basic explosives and do not contain two or more protective properties.
E: Goods containing non-detonating explosives with the same charge (not a flammable liquid or self-igniting gel or liquid)
F: Containers of explosive explosives, no initiators, with the same charge (not containing flammable liquids or gel form or liquid spontaneous combustion) or no charge with the same sign.
G: Technical explosives or goods containing technical explosives, goods containing explosives and flammable substances, lighting agents, smoke-forming substances (not goods containing activated water or phosphorus, phosphide, flammable substances) , flammable liquid or flammable gel form, liquid self-igniting)
H: White phosphorus container.
J: Flammable liquid or gel form
K: Harmful chemical agents.
L: Special risk, due to activation of water or the presence of self-igniting liquid, phosphite or flammable substances, isolation is required.
N: The substance is almost non-explosive.
S: Hazardous effects resulting from abnormal activities limited to the package unless the package is disrupted by fire. In this case, all explosive effects are limited in range so wide that it cannot prevent or prevent fire and other emergency energy types in the vicinity of the package.
Group 2: Compressed, liquefied or pressurized gases This heading covers compressed gases, liquefied gases, gases in solutions, cold liquefied gases, one or more gas mixtures with one or more types of vapors of substances of another heading, gases containing such as tellurium hexaflouride and gas sprayers with a capacity greater than 1 liter. This group 2 consists of gaseous substances At 50oC there is a pressure greater than 300kPa, Completely gas at 20oC has a standard pressure of 101.3kPa Depending on the physical state of gas when storing, packaging we have the following types: Compressed air: is gas (unless in solution) but when put into a tank under a pressure to transport, it is still completely gas at 20oC. Liquefied gas: is a gas that, when packed into a tank for transportation, is partly in liquid form at a temperature of 20oC. Liquefied gas is caused by cold: gas that, when closed to a transport tank, has a liquid part because its temperature is low Gas in solution: is compressed air which, when closed into transport tank, can dissolve in a good solutionGroup 2 is divided into the following categories: Subheading 2.1: Flammable gases (such as ethane, butane)Subheading 2.2: Non-flammable, non-toxic gases (such as oxygen, nitrogen)Group 2.3: Toxic gases (such as chlorine)
Group 3: Flammable liquids Group 3 includes liquids that can ignite and burn, ie liquids with a flash point less than or equal to 61oC.The following substances are not in group 3: a) Liquids with flash points higher than 23 ° C but lower than 61 ° C, which have a combustion temperature higher than 104 ° C or boil before reaching the combustion temperature. This standard does not include flammable liquids, mixtures of water and many petroleum products that are not truly representative of potentially hazardous substances.b) Liquid solutes containing less than 24% ethanol by volume.c) Alcohol and other consumer products, when packed, the inner pack is less than 5 liters.
Group 4: Flammable solids, substances capable of spontaneously igniting and substances that meet water will produce flammable gas Subheading 4.1 includes: Solid can burnii. Self-reactive substances and related substancesiii. The substance is less sensitive to explosion Characteristics of solids can burn Flammable solids are flammable substances and can burn when friction. Flammable solids in the form of powder, granules or pasty creams are dangerous substances because they are easy to ignite only through very short contact with the fire source, such as fire from matches, and fire will spread immediately. But the threat is not only caused by fire but also by harmful fire products. Metal powders (alkali metals, aluminum, zinc ...) are often particularly dangerous because it is difficult to destroy the flame, when using conventional extinguishing agents such as carbon dioxide (CO2), if water is used for stamping, the more making the fire become more dangerous.Characteristics of self-reactive substances and related substances Self-reactive substances are heat-resistant substances capable of decomposing even without oxygen. The process of exothermic heat (in normal or rising temperatures).
Substances that are not classified as self-reactive in subgroup 4.1 are as follows: Explosives according to classification criteria in group 1Oxidized substances in the order of division in subdivision 5.1Organic polymethyl compounds in the order of division in subheading 5.2The heat of the digestion process is lower than 300JThe temperature of the self-excited decomposition process is less than 75 oC. Note: The heat of the decomposition process can be determined by using any method according to international standards, for example, differential heat scanners.Properties of less sensitive substances Explosive substances are those that have been moistened by water (or alcohol) or have been diluted with other substances to reduce its explosion. For example, according to the international classification system for hazardous substances, we have:1310 ammonium picrate, moisture, ... 2555 Nitrocellulose with water, ...1320 dinitrophenol, moisture, ... 2556 Nitrocellulose with alcohol, ...1357 urea nitrate, moisture, ... 2557 Nitrocellulose with plasticizers ... Subheading 4.2: Substances capable of spontaneous combustion IncludingSelf-igniting substancesSelf-heating substancesCharacteristics of self-igniting and self-exothermic substances The self-heating of a substance, resulting in spontaneous combustion due to the reaction of this substance with oxygen in the air and the heat generated does not quickly escape to the surrounding environment.Spontaneous combustion occurs when the amount of heat generated exceeds the amount of heat lost, so the system reaches the auto-ignition temperature. There are two distinct types of substances that distinguish themselves from fire:? Self-igniting (solid or liquid): mixtures or solutions with a small volume can also ignite within 5 minutes of exposure to the air.? Self-heating substances: heat-emitting substances when exposed to air while there is no energy supply. These substances ignite only when a large mass (several kilograms) is present and after a long time (several hours or days) Subheading 4.3: Substances that come into contact with water create flammable gases.Substances that come in contact with water release flammable gases that can form explosive mixtures with air. Such mixtures are highly flammable due to any normal ignition source, such as sunlight, sparking hand tools or light-free lights. Fire and explosion can be dangerous to humans and the surrounding environment, for example earth lamps (calcium cabit).
Group 5: Oxidizing agents and organic peroxides Group 5 is divided into the following categories:
Subheading 5.1: Oxidizing agents. These are substances, non-flammable, that can easily release oxygen, or because oxidation can create flame for any material, or stimulate combustion for other materials, thus increasing the intensity of fire.
Subheading 5.2: Organic peroxides. Most of the substances in this section are flammable and all contain the dual valence structure –O-O–. They act as oxidizing agents and can potentially decompose by explosion. In liquid or solid form, they may have a strong reaction to other substances. Most will burn quickly and are very sensitive when compressed or collided.
Substances of 5.1 and 5.2 need to be handled differently when marking packages, packages and trucks being transported, and transported separately.
Group 6: Toxic substances and contaminants Group 6 is divided into the following subgroups: Subheading 6.1: Toxic. Substances that can cause death, injury or serious health damage to humans if swallowed, inhaled or exposed to skin. Subheading 6.2: Contaminant. Includes substances containing microorganisms that can grow and exist independently, including germs, parasites, fungi or re-linking agents, crossbred or genetically modified, that we know will cause disease in people and animals.
Group 7: Radioactive substances Includes substances or mixtures that emit radiation themselves. Radiation rays have the ability to pierce through matter and cause ionization. The male radioactive material understands that any material containing radioactivity that both enriched radioactivity or absolute radioactivity shown in the declaration when sending goods exceeds the value set in IMDG code. .
Group 8: Corrosive substances Includes substances that cause chemical reactions that destroy when exposed to living tissues, or in the event of a leak that will destroy or damage other goods or even transportation. Group 9: Other hazardous substances These include substances and materials that during the transport process exhibit an uncontrolled hazard according to the standards of other materials.
Group 9 includes a number of substances and materials that show the danger to transport vehicles as well as the environment, which do not meet the standards of other groups.